Adding custom Auras to Grid

Adding custom Auras to Grid

Add the debuff:
Grid -> Status -> Auras -> Add new Debuff

Type in (de)buff exactly, case matters.

New debuff will be listed under Status -> Auras

Give it a High priority (99 is foolproof) as you want it to show over anything else.

Do this for each custom debuff.

Now tell Grid to show the new debuffs as the Center Icon
Grid -> Frame -> Center Icon -> Tick the ones you want, list order doesn't matter, this is where the priority you gave it comes in.

In Grid -> Frame -> Advanced you can customise the border/size of the Center Icon.

There's a Grid plugin called Grid Status Raid Debuffs which has all the Ulduar raid debuffs (even ones you don't want to see), you just add it to the Center Icon thing and un/tick whatever you want, either way works but don't use both.

It makes sense after you play around with it, you'll quickly know what debuffs to anticipate and what needs the most attention.

I posted all this because people were asking how to do it, hope it's useful.