Ignis the Furnace Master
XT-002 Deconstructor (Hard Mode - Heartbreaker)
The Assembly of Iron (Hard Mode - Steelbreaker)
Hodir (Hard Mode - I could say that this Cache was Rare)
General Vezax
XT-002 Deconstructor (Hard Mode - Heartbreaker)
The Assembly of Iron (Hard Mode - Steelbreaker)
Hodir (Hard Mode - I could say that this Cache was Rare)
General Vezax
Ignis the Furnace Master
Slag Pot: Direct heal through DoT until they’re released
Flame Jets: Interupts casting and silences for 8 seconds
Scorch: DoT, players should be moving out of this but watch to heal effected players.
Phase 1
Stormstrike: Dark Rune Guardians will debuff the tank with this, increases Nature damage taken by 20%, needs to be dispelled.
Devouring Flame: Someone's standing in the fire, heal till they move or figure it out.
Phase 2
Fused Armor: Slowing effect on tank, stacking upto 5 when the tank will be unable to move or use abilities, get ready for tank swap.
XT-002 Deconstructor
Gravity Bomb : 20 yd range, effected player should move to a distance greater than 20 yards until they ‘implode’. Shield+PoM is enough to cover with this.
Light Bomb (Searing Light) : Obvious bright glow on player, 3500 AoE on effected player, Shield+Renew+PoM more than enough for this, unless they’re AoEing nearby players, most of the time range (and even melee) won’t need to move as it has a short range 10-15yds
Tympanic Tantrum : Raidwide damage over 8 seconds, Prayer of Healing very useful here. Will no longer kill players unless they start with less than 80% health.
*Void Zone: Hard mode, spawned from Gravity Bombs, standard void zone mechanic.
The Assembly of Iron
High Voltage : From Steelbreaker, DoT aura on raid.
Fusion Punch: Absolutely positively must be dispelled off tank as soon as it’s cast. Will wipe the raid if not. Big DoT and big damage to tank.
1 dead
Static Disruption: (Steelbreaker up) Cannot be dispelled but effected players will require additional healing over the raid heals. Up to three players may be allocated to 'soak' these.
Rune of Death: (Runemaster Molegeim up) 26 yd green Void zone under a random player. Move.
2 dead
Meltdown: (Steelbreaker up) Tank has 30seconds to live before exploding, be ready for tank change. (nb Tank will get this after 30 seconds of Overwhelming Power).
Nothing notable when Stormcaller Brundir is up, except for Overload so stand more than 20yds from tank and it won’t matter (distance has been reported to have been nerfed).
Shockwave : Left arm ability not a debuff but AoE’s the raid, requiring PoH/Good time to Divine Hymn
Crunch Armor : Armour debuff on MT be ready for tank swap after 3 stacks, MT will gradually require more healing as it stacks.
Stone Grip: Right arm ability 3 targets requiring direct healing
Sonic Screech : not a debuff but causes raidwide damage
Terrifying Screech : not a debuff but fears the raid, use Fearward and Mass Dispel the raid if possible. Try arrange for Tremor totem in your group as it helps a lot particularly with Disciplines fast Mass Dispels.
Savage Pounce : Damage and DoT
Not many specific debuffs to note but plenty of abilities to heal through.
Leviathan MKII
Napalm Shell : Debuff that requires direct healing.
Plasma Blast : Ability that requires a CD on the tank, Pain Suppression or Guardian Spirit after Tank’s used his cooldowns.
VX-001 (Anti-personnel Assault Cannon)
Rocket Strike: Not a debuff but requires move or be killed
Spinning Up : Similar to Lurkers Spout, get ready to move around clockwise or be killed (only covers 3/4 radius). Watch for mines!
Rapid Burst : Targets a group/party (hopefully the raids split into parties around the room) Prayer of Healing on the effected group is useful here
Aerial Command Unit (Air phase)
Plasma Ball : Usually range tank, warlock etc. Dedicate one healer and the rest is dps.
Watch out for Bomb Bots which walk around aimlessly and explode.
V-07-TR-0N (Phase 4)
Rocket Strike : Two targets must now move when targeted for this
P3Wx2 Laser Barrage : Heal targeted party, Prayer of Healing useful here.
Plasma Ball : Heal range tank.
Sunbeam : If raider doesn’t move out of the raid with this they’ll AoE nearby players for 8k.
Nature's Fury : (Ancient Conservator) AoE on random player for 10sec, should be moving away from raid.
Conservator's Grip : (Ancient Conservator) Player is silenced until they move under a Healthy Mushroom.
Elder Stonebark (Increased physical damage done by Freya)
Ground Tremor : Ability similar to flame jets on Ignis, 8 second spell interrupt if you’re casting when this ability occurs.
Elder Ironbranch (Increased pysical damage done by Allies of Nature)
Iron Roots : DoT on target until Dps removes the roots.
Impale : Damage over 5seconds that require target to be healed through.
Elder Brightleaf (Increased magical dmage done my Freya and Allies of Nature)
Nothing additional worth noting.
Unbalancing Strike : Tanks should taunt of each other when one gets this, be ready to heal/shield taunting tank.
*Watch to Massdispell Runic Shield on the Dark Rune Evokers (initial trash) and when players get Frost Nova from in Phase2 (Sif-hardmode).
Freeze : Keep Mass Dispel handy or expect complaints from the melee department.
Frozen Blows : Raidwide damage that requires AoE healing. This is the one to be ready for as rest of the encounter is relatively easy just healing the MT unless raid members 'lag'.
Notable Buffs:
Mage - Toasty Fire Stand near this if you see one to avoid the Biting Cold, Flash Freeze and Freeze debuff. Looks like a big campfire. Fires can also buff Melt Ice and Singed.
Druid - Starlight Stand in light column for haste buff
Shaman - Storm Cloud Stand near player with lighting bolts for Crit Buff.
General Vezax
Aura of Despair: Means no mana regen, aggressive healing will run you oom. Stopcasting is essential to minimise overhealing. I'm usually with a Paladin on the MT, he will heal while I Shield and will only Penance/Flash when the tanks 40% or less. For hard mode 10 this works well, providing the range can dodge Shadow Crashes. If not doing hard mode Saronite Crystals (increasing Life Tap mechanic) are the only way to regain mana, 7 stacks hit for almost 13k but returns 6.4k mana, watch health while trying to regen as the 8th tick will most likely kill you unless you’re shielded and full.
Shadow Crash : Pray the targeted player can run from this missile, if not, heal all players near the impact. Priority isn't high as this is the only raid damage to worry about (besides Saronite Vapour ticks). This will only be cast on range (15yds plus) and the dps will stand in the dark patch left for a dps buff. This reduces healing done so is of no use to healers. It does reduce mana costs by 75% so can be useful in hardmode to certain classes, Druids Lifebloom for instance.
Mark of the Faceless : Drain Life mechanic if target is near other players. Only cast on range (15yds plus). Run from the raid when you get this or General Vezax will heal for a significant amount per tick, the drain life graphics from nearby players if too close is very obvious.
Dispelling is paramount here and as high a priority as healing the tank, for all classes.
Sara’s Blessing : Initially heals but leaves a DoT which requires additional healing through over 20 seconds.
Squeeze : Debuff when Constrictor Tentacle has grabbed someone, they’ll require healing until dps has killed the tentacle. If you get grabbed, you can still heal/cast. Let DPS know you need to be broken out. We usually ping map/vent.
Malady of the Mind : Similar to the Warlock Deathcoil ability, lasts 4 seconds and then attempts to jump to someone within 10yds. Stay clear of players with this debuff.
Brain Link : Bright line connecting two players who must remain within 20yds of each other or receive a DoT and -2% per second. DPS should move with healers and try move with the tank if you’re linked to one.
Dominate Mind : MC, dispel nomatter what you’re doing. Only time to delay is if they’re in a cloud, wait until they are clear.
Apathy : Slowing debuff, dispel off tanks/melee then range as priority. Particularly the portal group when it’s nearly time for ports.
Black Plague : Also high priority on any player, randomly stuns (retch uncontrollably for 2 seconds).
Draining Poison : Mana drain and DoT, cleansing totems, Druids/Pallies/Resto Shaman should be on top of this.
Curse of Doom : Same as Warlock curse, 20k dmg after 12 seconds. Mages/Druids/Resto Shaman should remove before duration is up.
Sanity : Start with a 100 stack of this debuff, various abilities will remove sanity, when it reaches zero you will go insane and are effectively MC’d. Brez does not work (we tried and they rezed as the enemy).
Sanity Well : Green columns in the ‘corners’ of the room provided by Freya, the only way to restore Sanity.
10 man down, coming soon!
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