The Eye - Kael'Thas



Footage of a full raid through Tempest Keep's - The Eye 25man raid in The Burning Crusade.  Highlights of each boss but the majority on Kael'Thas the final encounter in this dungeon.  Probably one of the biggest buzzes I've had from the game was killing this guy, Offtime spent weeks, maybe a couple of months working on him and it all came together. I still think it's more difficult than Illidan in TBC, I didn't get the same rush as I did getting this guy.

Anyway, it got us into T6 content in Hyjal and BT, which was pretty huge for us at the time.  We downed him for several weeks as we needed to attune a lot of people as numbers for Hyjal/BT were low, and he refused to drop Conqueror !

Good times.