After 4 frustrating 1-hour sessions the stars finally aligned (pun intended) and managed to defeat the Algalon encounter.
Overall the encounter isn't difficult, the one hour time limit race against the clock routine is probably the most trying part.
Essentially it's a two realm encounter similar to Kalecgos or the drakes in Obsidian Sanctum. Algalons' realm is where all the fighting takes place, black holes play a part to shift you to the 'Worm Hole dimension' by simply running onto it (no need to click anything). The Worm Hole dimension is the same stage, with Dark Matter mobs roaming around which simply need to be avoided. The only way back out is when Algalon casts Big Bang, which transports you back by removing the black holes. Those not in the Worm Hole realm will get oneshotted unless they are a tank using a cooldown. Simple huh?
Using a Warrior and DKlol tank, three healers Resto Druid (raid) and Holy Paladin (MT) and myself as Disc Priest (MT/Raid) and a mix of caster/melee dps we only got to Phase 2, (20% HP) twice, and once there it was pretty much over.
The hardest part from a healing perspective was definitely dealing with the high damage being laid down on the Tanks. Algalon hits the tank fast and hard being a dual-wielding melee boss and block tanks are definitely advantageous, DK isn't ideal, but as we saw still workable and we did notice the difference in damage/healing to the tanks. This, coupled with some raidwide damage abilities certainly make it the most healing intensive fight I've experienced so far, healing Mimiron's Firefighter with just myself and a Holy Paladin does come a close second, however.
Main healing events to watch begin after the encounter starts, heavy healing is already needed on the tank, however, shortly after he summons Collapsing Stars the fun begins :
Black Hole Explosion : occurs when a Collapsing Star dies, hitting the raid for around 10k shadow damage (after Resistance Buffs).
Cosmic Smash : proximity based explosion (great sound effect I thought), looks like a red void zone and easy to get away from.
Those are the two Raid Damaging abilities, everytime a Star dies it will hit the raid for around 10k so working with the dps to cast Prayer of Healing was important. They'd time it to die so I could begin casting. It's important to not be near it when it dies as it leaves a Black Hole which ports you to the Worm Hole realm.
Watching out for Cosmic Smash (red void zones) and healing up Black Hole Explosion (stars dying) is what's needed for the raid, while Algalon is working on the tank who requires constant fast heals.
Big Bang: is the last event to watch for, it's a long 10 second cast which means you need to be in the Worm Hole realm via walking into a Black Hole before he completes the cast or it's instant death. A tank will stay up using a cooldown to soak it. After he casts (hopefully everyone got down) all the black holes are removed, and the raid is back in the normal realm.
Living Constellation's will also spawn in sets of three, they will agro from healing but only attack random players with Arcane Barrage. They're more of a nuisance than anything else, the damage they do is minimal compared to the amount of room they take up on the screen. They can be snared/rooted, and having some distance as you move to a Black Hole does help as when they touch they both despawn.
He will apply a stacking debuff on the MT called Phase Punch. After 5 stacks the tank will be shifted to the Worm Hole Realm, the two tanks will rotate because of this.
Repeating this pattern until 20% is all that's involved. I believe we saw 3 Big Bang casts. Phase 2 starts now with four Black Holes appearing at N S E W positions. Plan to be in a 'diagonal' quadrant so you don't get caught in one on the phase change. No more Collapsing Stars or Living Constellations will spawn, the problem is he will still cast Big Bang and now Dark Matters will periodically spawn, so timing this phase is important, it now becomes a DPS race to beat the 6 minute enrage but the healing workload becomes lighter.
At about 2% he is defeated, and in the traditional Ulduar fashion, delivers some RP which we were too excited to read or watch.
Overall I must say it is the most challenging encounter in the current content. The layout is beautiful and healing is very challenging with so much damage going on. One day I'd like to do this as dps to take in the scenery.
The buzz from downing this encounter is definitely in my top 5 along with Sartharion+3D, Illidan, Zulaman, Kalecgos and close to the alltime high I remember with Kael'Thas. We were on our second to last attempt with 14 minutes left on this lockout and things weren't looking good for another week, but we all know and love that feeling with things just click together and you know it's a kill before the boss goes down. I hope to have some pics and a video posted soon.
Algalon 10 down
Labels: algalon, ulduar, Warcraft | 0 comments
The Assembly of Iron - Hard Mode (I Choose You, Steelbreaker)
Differences: Killing Steelbreaker last is the Hard Mode. His abilities increase after Runemaster Molgeim and Stormcaller Brundir are each defeated.
Sources of Raid Damage
Similar to normal mode with a few extra abilities.
High Voltage: 3k Nature damage every 3 seconds which comes from Steelbreaker and is now present through the entire encounter.
Fusion Punch: Same mechanic as normal mode and top priority for dispelling off the Steelbreaker tank as soon as it's applied. Will lead to a wipe if missed for even a few seconds.
As each boss dies, the others gain a 25% damage increase from Supercharge.
Two healers should be assigned to the Steelbreaker tank, preferably have a Shadowpriest dispel Fusion Punches as healing gets very intensive as the fight goes on, mana can be an issue if you're not careful. One healer can look after the offtank (Runemaster and Stormcaller tank) as they require little healing in P1 and 2, and none in P3 obviously and they should be able to raid/MT heal in P3. Two raid healers (3 if running six healers and can afford the dps) to cover the Nature Aura.
When one member of the council dies he gains the Static Disruption ability, nows the time to have 2-3 range 'soaking' this debuff as it is only applied to players outside melee range. Warlocks and Shadowpriests are ideal but we've been alright with the two MT healers and a Warlock. MT healers advantage is they don't need to run and heal/dispel during Stormcaller Brundir's Overload. All his Chain Lightning casts should be interupted, so the only healing is the High Voltage Nature Aura, Fusion Punch and Static Disruption.
When the second member of the council goes down he gains some more abilities, and healing really steps up a notch.
Overwelming Power is debuffed on the MT and their size and damaged increased by 200%. After 35 seconds they Meltdown, which means they die and kill anyone within 15 yards.
Electrical Charge increases Steelbreaker's damage by 25% and also will heal him if anyone in the raid dies. It's worth noting that Mortal Strike effects work but depending when this happens it's usually a wipe.
Lots more raid damage, and lots more tank damage, if the previous phase with two alive didn't wake you up a hatred of the global cooldown arises here as it really becomes a 'spamfest'. Tank healers will be going all out and this is the phase for cooldowns, such as Pain Suppression, Guardian Spirit, Divine Sacrifice etc, while raid healers will be dealing with great raid damage from the nature aura. Grid will look like a graphic equalizer.
After 30 seconds the MT will need to run out to take his death from Meltdown, be ready to swaphealing to the OT as he picks up Steelbreaker. They MT may be rezzed and will need fast heals and rebuffs. Remember, Electrical Charge heals Steelbreaker if anyone dies.
Dps are on the clock now to burn him down before anyone dies, the hard enrage is 15 minutes from the encounter start but it's more likely a raid member will die and allow Steelbreaker to heal and a wipe is called.
There is a lot going on in this hardmode and is a good indicator of your own gear/regen and playstyle.